Find A Business
Looking for a trusted business or advisor in the Magnolia Community? We have a full directory of our members so that our community can support each other and their businesses. Find them here or call the Chamber offices at 281-356-1488.
Need information to help your business start or grow? You can find your Certificates of Origin and other useful information for your business here or call the Chamber offices at 281-356-1488.
The Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber provides you with access to business recourses, connectivity with your elected officials and advances business growth in our community. Find out how you can join and get “in the know” in your community here.

Hello Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber of Commerce!
It is an honor to be chosen as the Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber of Commerce President. I can't wait to work with and get to know each and every member of our chamber.
I am grateful for the community and the board’s trust in me over this position. Along with pursuing more economic growth, I'm looking forward to building relationships, supporting the business community, drawing in new capital, and improving networking among new chamber members.
Again, let me express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your next president and my excitement for working with you in our community.

You Are investing In Your Community By Supporting
The Chamber Of Commerce
Whether it is a networking breakfast, network night, or a seminar on improving your company’s marketing, the Chamber hosts countless programs to help you increase your skills in all aspects of your business.
What better way to introduce your business to potential clients than through chamber-sponsored events that attract other businesses and the community
You don’t have time to stay on top of all the local, regional, and state issues which could impact your business, but that’s at the heart of what we do at Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber of Commerce! We keep you informed so that you can concentrate on growing your business.

January 17, 2025
Join us for our Annual Awards Dinner & Casino Night.
We will present our Annual Awards for:
Business of the Year
Travis D. Whitaker Chairman's Award
New Business of the Year
Ambassador of the Year
Dona Hunt Volunteer of the Year

2025 Golf Classic
April 28, 2025
Save the date — April 28, 2025
Sponsorships and teams sold out last year — so makes your plans today to join us with your team or sponsorship!
Event contact

Grand Champion “Santa” Award
- Sponsor: 5Point Credit Union
- Winner: #72 - Magnolia Intermediate Student Council
Theme Award
- Sponsor: Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber of Commerce
- Winner: #40 - Country Air Company
Serving the area for over 46 years, Country Air specializes in residential and commercial air conditioning and heating. Available 24 hours, call today and let them earn your trust!
Creativity Award
- Sponsor: Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber of Commerce
- Winner: #23 - CPH Structural Engineering, Inc.
Santa’s elf engineers have designed and are now busy building their gingerbread house to celebrate the coming of Christmas!
Paul Mendes Spirit Award
- Sponsor: Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber of Commerce
- Winner: #17 - Magnolia Cowboy Church
Magnolia Cowboy Church’s Worship Band sets the tone with powerful worship and praise every Sunday. Join one of their services at 8:30 am, 10:00 am, or 11:30 am to experience HIS presence.
People’s Choice Award
- Sponsor: SpeedPro Magnolia
- Winner: #48 - Magnolia Junior High Cheer
Magnolia Junior High Cheer, led by coaches Payton Beaver and Maelani Sims, represents 7th and 8th-grade students proudly cheering for our community.
Business Decorating Contest Winners
This year’s theme, “Favorite Christmas Song,” brought out remarkable creativity from our local businesses. Congratulations to the finalists:
- 1st Place: Signarama - Magnolia
- 2nd Place: 5Point Credit Union
- 3rd Place: Magnolia Soul Care Counseling
Thank you to all who participated and made this year’s Magic of Christmas event so special. Your hard work, dedication, and festive spirit have brightened our community and brought joy to all.
Wishing everyone a very blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Monthly Luncheon
Business luncheons are a great way to hear about local happenings and helpful business information. Each month we will have a guest speaker communicating topics relevant to business in the Magnolia area. Please join us for this informative event and great food to accompany. Click here to register for our next luncheon.
Magnolia Mingle
Held Quarterly from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the networking event is an opportunity for attendees to stand up and introduce themselves and their businesses with a 30-second “elevator speech” or “info-mercial.” Click here to learn more about the next networking afternoon.
Networking Breakfast
Held the second Tuesday of every month from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM, the networking event is an opportunity for attendees to stand up and introduce themselves and their businesses with a 30-second “elevator speech” or “info-mercial.” Click here to learn more about the next networking breakfast.